Breed Description

Photo Courtesy of Black Welsh Mountain Sheep Breeders’ Association

Black Welsh Mountain Sheep are a small dual purpose breed that provides excellent mild mutton and a completely black, dense, durable fleece. Mature ewes average 100 pounds, while mature rams can range from 132 - 143 pounds. There is no restriction on breeding height, but most purebred animals are relatively short, typically measuring between 20-30 inches at the shoulder. The ewes are polled and the rams have an impressive set of horns. The tails must be kept long and undocked in purebred animals.


Black Welsh are hardy and the lambs are are quick to their feet and vigorous. In the UK the purebred flocks average a 175% lambing percentage. The breed is also noted for its resistance to fly-strike and foot infections.

Mutton and Lamb

Black Welsh produce a superior meat retaining a mild flavor even in the older mutton. The yields are good with a favorable retail cuts to live weight ratio. They are particularly noted for their ability to produce high quality wool and meat on a forage based system with little or no grain inputs.


The fleece is a dark black or reddish black called cuchddu. The wool is black, short, dense and firm to handle and ranges in Bradford count from 48s to 56s or micron ranges from 26.4 to 32.69. Fleece weights in the UK range from 2.2 - 5.5 pounds. There is a good market for high quality spinning fleeces and wool products.